Team Performance Featured The THREE PILLARS of EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL LEADERSHIP I am thrilled to announce my book, The Three Pillars of Effective Technical Leadership 🙂 📣 🎉 ✍ 🎊 You can now order paperback, hardcover or kindle editions on amazon!
business value Featured "We use cool technologies", so what? Who cares if we build something with super cool technologies but it brings no value or no one is happy using it?
Continuous Deployment Featured 100 times more deployments: How did we achieve Continuous Deployment? Yes, we develop on the main branch, each commit is treated as a release candidate and each push is expected to reach production. Results: 100 times more deployments, shorter lead and recovery time, less failure rates. But how?
Team Performance Featured Creating High Performance Teams You are starting a new journey on a new project. No matter if you join an existing team or form a new team, as a tech lead you would try hard to ensure a high performance team. But how?
Team Performance Why are tech huddles more than "nice to have"? Tech Huddles play a critical role in creating high performance teams. It is not for the benefit of developers only, but also of product and end user.